Saturday, December 6, 2014

New Fellows Values Session

Post by Lucy Lansing:
Values are integral to every Furman student, and during the “Values” session, we as New Fellows were able to examine and explore what we actually believe. The Director of Student Activities and the Trone Student Center, Jessica Berkey, led this session. She began by asking us to think of the most values-oriented person we knew; then, we collectively compiled a list of traits, such as loyalty, dedication, and passion, possessed by the people who had influenced us with their commitment to their values. We narrowed down the list to the most basic traits we would look for in a person with whom we would feel comfortable working or interacting with on a regular basis.

For the next activity, Ms. Berkey read aloud ethically ambiguous scenarios, and we had to identify how we felt about the action by labeling it with titles that varied in levels of legality and morality. This activity gave all of us a bit of insight into how our fellow Shucker peers feel about a range of issues. The final activity was definitely my favorite because it enabled us to feel closer to each other than we have at any other point in these first few unpredictable months away from home. We arranged ourselves in a circle, and as Ms. Berkey read out several statements, we stepped forward if they applied to us. Many of the statements dealt with extremely personal information, but everyone was still honest. All of us became emotionally closer to each other without even speaking, and for that we are all very grateful to Ms. Berkey.​

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