Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Fellow Campus Roundabout

Meredith Wettach:
Often on college campuses, as a freshman it is common to befriend mainly other freshman. It’s not bad; it’s just normal. With that being said, it can also be intimidating to talk to upperclassmen who seem to have their life together while you, a freshman, are just trying to figure out what you want to major in. The Campus Roundabout Session was one of my favorites since it allowed me to sit down and talk with three upperclassmen leaders with whom I share common interests. It was an experience that opened my eyes to what Furman has to offer as I decide what I want to become involved in.

Two of the seniors that I spoke with are majoring in the same area that I also hope to pursue and went on the study away trip I am heavily considering. It was so nice to have their honest input about the trip, making me want to apply even more. Another girl I met with is head of an organization that I am already involved in. She explained her responsibilities as student director, and I realized that when I become a senior I hope to be as involved and dedicate as much time as she does to a particular organization on campus. Not only did each student give advice for how to become involved or what classes to take, they also gave life advice for freshman year. Having the chance to talk with upperclassmen helped me to be more comfortable when talking to older students and it is nice to see friendly faces on campus who aren’t just the normal people you hang out with.​

Connor Wilson:
Who runs the world? (Well Furman’s world at least) Sarah Williams, Sean McBratnie, Matt Philips, Coady Shovlain, Daniel Hoilett, Courtney German, Warren Smith, Natalia Arenas, and Emily Vontsolos.

This past week in Shucker, the New Fellows had the amazing opportunity to have “Campus Roundabout Chats” with these amazing ten seniors. What’s a “Campus Roundabout Chat” you may ask. I’ll tell you, it’s an opportunity for the New Fellows to have one on one conversations with seniors who exemplify the role as a leader in the Furman community. These nine leaders range from English and Spanish majors, to Neuroscience and Political Science majors.

I had one meeting each with Daniel Hoilett, Sean McBratnie, and Warren Smith. Sadly each conversation only lasted thirty minutes. Fortunately though, through these thirty minutes, lessons were still learned. First lesson, accept your strengths and live by your strengths. Second lesson, we were picked to be leaders by Shucker because they saw something special in us. We can either thrive as leaders, or be crushed by being a leader. It’s our choice. Third, Furman will give us the opportunity to lead; it’s just up to us to take the stand.​

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