Monday, September 22, 2014

New Fellows Session 1 - Strengths Quest

The new fellows had their first weekly meeting and completed a Strengths Quest session! 

Kathleen Marsh:
For our first official session as Shucker Leadership members, we discussed the results of our StrengthsQuest tests that we all took before the meeting. If you aren’t familiar with StrengthsQuest, it is a personality test that picks the top five attributes that you do best according to a series of questions. There are 34 different qualities that you could have, so it was fascinating getting to learn about only a few during our meeting. We found out that between the 26 of us, we have 30 of the 34 qualities from the test; each person has a unique combination of gifts to enhance the group. It was amazing getting to talk to "fellow Shuckers” about their gifts and sharing similarities with people with the same strength or strengths as you. I was not expecting StrengthsQuest to be as accurate as it is, so the discussion of the results made the experience even better. Kim Keefer's commentary on the value of each strength was also helpful in letting us identify what we do well, something everyone should take the time to do once in a while.

Haley Steffans:
Our first official meeting as Class 9 Shucker New Fellows was last week and we worked with Kim Keefer to learn about our strengths regarding working with other people. Prior to arriving at the meeting we all completed the online Strengths Quest quiz. From this quiz we all received a list of our top five strengths, which we all wore on nametags around our necks throughout the meeting. We then compared the similarities and differences of our own strengths to those of the other new fellows. After reviewing the connections between personalities and decisions regarding certain events we talked through many of the different strengths that we each hold. Mrs. Keefer talked about how it is important to use the knowledge of these strengths to work better with others and know when to step up. It is also important to build on strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses. We also learned that when we recognize the strengths of others we can be a better, more cohesive team. This was truly a beneficial experience and I cannot wait for what is to come this year as we continue with more meetings throughout the semester. 

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