Monday, October 13, 2014

Best of the Best!

Nick Torres and Emily Harris describe their experience in the Best of the Best new fellows session.

Nick Torres:
Often we are taught to say yes please, no thank you and yes ma’am, however, we often forget to address the importance of our outfit and appearance. This past meeting, we had the pleasure of hearing Meredith, Natalia and Austin speak about the Best of the Best.

First impressions are some of the most important opportunities anyone can get, and the first thing that anyone will ever see is what you are wearing. When Natalia got up to the front to speak to the girls I got concerned because seeing how much they have to remember made me fearful about what was required for the guys. Fortunate for guys it is easier to select our outfits. Clean cut is always better, pressed pants and shirts with clean shoes is a must. When a guy takes the time to wear ironed pants and shirts, it shows that they spent time thinking about the interview and that they are invested in it. First impressions are significant but so are the ones made after the interview. When Natalia shared about leaving a hand written thank you note, a light went off in my head. Often times we will type up an email and simply press send. Sending an email does show much thought, however hand written letters are not something that is seen anymore. It takes more time and attention to do, and by writing a letter that could make the difference between receiving a call back, or giving the position to another candidate.

Lastly, often times we tend to forget that what we put on the internet can always be traced back. Hearing Meredith speak about that harmless Saturday night picture, or post about an old employer could also make the difference of getting a call for an interview; employers want to see that their new employee will be a great representation of their company not only at the work place but also when they leave the office. Hearing this information was a great reminder that yes we can have fun but not to be irresponsible.

Emily Harris:
This week in Shucker we ventured into the business world in our “Best of the Best” workshop. Lead by senior Shucker graduates and the Shucker intern, we discussed how to present our best selves in different situations. We discussed attire and etiquette, and how to be smart and professional online and in real life.  Not only did I learn that there really is no difference between “snappy casual” and “business casual,” I was able to get excited about the opportunities that await me in the future. To me, this workshop was a sneak peek into the future that is coming for each and every one of us that have the opportunity to be a part of the Shucker Leadership Institute. Honestly, going into this workshop, I thought I already knew what I needed to know. I’ve had a job for the past few years, done my fair share of professionally attired debate competitions, and been to many interviews for scholarships and programs. But I learned through this workshop that presenting yourself professionally is not just a way to beat the competition and get the job, it’s a way to show respect for others and become a more confident person. So as the first month of college comes to a close and the future beckons a little more every day, I know I can carry on confidently with the ability to be a respectful and respectable member of the professional world. I am proud to be a part of an organization that is teaching me to develop my strengths and gain confidence as a leader and human being. The future is bright and we all have the chance to change the world. Let’s do it! (Snappy casual attire only sometimes required.)

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