Sunday, December 28, 2014

End of Semester Celebration

Post by Margaret McCurry:
It’s hard to believe that our first semester at Furman is almost over! I couldn’t be happier here at Furman, and I’m so thankful to be a part of the Shucker Leadership Institute. To honor this occasion, the Shucker leaders held an End of Year Celebration for the first year fellows.

We started the celebration with an activity—Each Shucker fellow had a blank piece of paper taped to their backs and would write kind words of encouragement on the papers of others. At the end, we removed our papers and took a look at the friendly messages. They were so uplifting!

After we ate dinner, we received certificates for the successful completion of our first semester in Shucker. Jackson Pearce was voted to receive the Outstanding Emerging Leader award—an acknowledgement that couldn’t have gone to anyone more deserving. We surprised the assistant student director of Shucker, our beloved Caitlyn Vaka, with a gift basket and a photo to thank her for all her hard work!

After a surprise visit from the Sophomore Shucker Fellows, we all decorated cookies, said our semester goodbyes, and called it a night. This has been such an incredible semester and I can’t wait for what’s to come in 2015!

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