Sunday, October 27, 2013

Congratulations to our October Leader of the Month!

All of the Shucker fellows would like to congratulate Katrina Morgan, our October Leader of the Month. Each month the Shucker fellows nominate and vote on one student (who is not a part of Shucker) that demonstrates outstanding leadership on Furman's campus.

Katrina started her Furman career as a participant in the Engaged Living Global Citizenship program that traveled to El Salvador during spring break 2011. Katrina was nominated to be the vice president of Beta Beta Beta, the biological honor society, in the fall of 2011 and was elected president her junior year.  She was awarded the biology departmental BBB General Excellence Award in spring 2013. Katrina participated in the HHMI-Bridges Research Fellowship and conducted research with a Furman professor from the summer after freshman year until the end of sophomore year.  Katrina worked in Dr. David Hollis’ lab researching aspects of developmental neurobiology in fish and amphibians. As a result of this research, Katrina attended the Association of Southern Biologists conference in Athens, Georgia and the Society for Neuroscience conference in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2012.  Katrina studied abroad on the Tropical Ecology trip in Costa Rica in May 2012 and the Southern Africa study abroad during the spring of 2013.  The summer after her junior year, Katrina worked at a Family Practice office in Pittsburgh, primarily as a medical assistant, and started the process of applying to medical school. Katrina is also a member of the pre-health honors society (Alpha Epsilon Delta) and  the Chi Omega Fraternity. 

Congratulations Katrina!

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