Wednesday, May 7, 2014

End of the Year Celebration with the Shuckers!

On Monday evening, each of the Shucker classes was invited to the Cherrydale Alumni house for a banquet with Dr. and Mrs. Shucker to celebrate a successful year in the Leadership Institute. It was so nice to reconnect with all four classes of Shucker fellows. We enjoyed a delicious meal in the beautiful Alumni house before hearing some words of wisdom from the Shuckers themselves. Both Dr. and Mrs. Shucker shared their experience of being leaders at Furman. It was amazing to hear from two people who made such an important impact on Furman's campus.Dr. and Mrs. Shucker both stressed the importance of knowing yourself before you can lead. Dr. Shucker said that the most important thing a leader can do is to know themselves. As a freshmen in the Shucker Leadership Institute, I can say with certainty that the Institute does a wonderful job of helping the Shucker new fellows discover their passions, strengths, and weaknesses. Being a part of the leadership institute during my first semester at Furman was a wonderful way to help me learn more about myself while going through an important transition. Through StrengthsQuest Assessments, team building activities at the Shucker Retreat, campus roundabouts with upperclassmen, a labyrinth vocational activity, and meeting other Shucker fellows, it is clear that Shucker seeks to help students discover themselves so that they can become leaders on campus. Dr. Shucker also explained that a good leader is someone who can listen and understand people before they speak. They shared more important lessons, like to not be afraid to try new things, and to always be available to people who need you. It was so fascinating to hear from the leaders of Furman's campus that the Shucker Leadership Institute was named after.Finally, to conclude the program, we reflected on this past year in Shucker by awarding someone from each Shucker class. The award went to someone who is consistently committed to the Shucker Leadership Institute through their values and actions. Each one of these award recipients values the Shucker Leadership Institute and shows it through their service and involvement through the club. From advertising the Institute in the Furman community, assisting with events and planning, or mentoring younger Shucker fellows, all of the award recipients have played an important role in the Shucker Leadership Institute this academic year.


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